EVM-3 Pre-Proposal Web Conference
(December 17, 2020 at 11:00 AM ET)
NASA will hold the Earth Venture Mission - 3 (EVM-3) Pre-Proposal Web Conference on December 17, 2020 at 11:00 AM ET to provide information regarding the EVM-3 solicitation and to address any questions.
Potential proposers to the EVM-3 solicitation are encouraged to attend this Pre-Proposal Web Conference. Information will be presented by NASA officials, and participants will have the opportunity to pose questions regarding the opportunity. The conference will be virtual and participation will be facilitated by WebEx and teleconference; travel to attend the conference in person will not be necessary.
11:00 AM | Welcome and Introduction | Charles Webb, NASA HQ |
11:15 AM | Ground Rules | Ken Jucks, NASA HQ |
11:25 AM | EVM-3 AO Science Evaluation | Ken Jucks, NASA HQ |
11:55 AM | EVM-3 AO TMC Evaluation | Waldo Rodriguez, NASA SOMA |
12:15 PM | International Participation | Kim Hurst (tentative), NASA HQ |
12:35 PM | Export Control | Ken Hodgdon NASA HQ |
12:55 PM | Break | |
1:10 PM | Communication Services | John Hudiburg (or designee), NASA HQ |
1:25 PM | Access to Space, Options | Ken Jucks, NASA HQ |
1:40 PM | AO-Provided Access to Space | Garrett Skrobot, NASA LSP |
2:00 PM | ESSP Program Management | Diane Hope, NASA ESSP PO |
2:15 PM | Questions and Answers | |
2:30 PM | Adjourn |
EVM-3 Pre-Proposal Web Conference Connection Information
Thursday, December 17, 2020 | 11:00 am Eastern Time
Meeting Link:
Meeting number (access code): 199 522 9394
Meeting password: NASAevm32020!!
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